and the People of PingelapPingelap is a small island in the Pacific Ocean, a part of the Federated States of Micronesia.
About 240 people live on this atoll. Ten per cent of them have a genetic form of colour blindness, achromatopsia, meaning their sight is extremely diffused and their eyes are very sensitive to light.
This disease is locally known as "Maskun" which in Pingelapese language means "to not see".
In his book, The Island of the Colorblind, Oliver Sacks, author and neurologist, describes the life of the inhabitants of Pingelap.
His interest is based on the question, if, because of the multitude of people with Maskun in Pingelap, there is an independent culture of colour blind people.
This book inspired me to travel to Pingelap and create a photographic series as a study in the perception of people with Maskun. I discovered that in everyday life people with Maskun are hardly distinguishable from those without – only the constant blinking of the eyes in the bright sunshine reveals any difference.
With my camera I wanted to somehow visualize how the island was perceived by its inhabitants and come to terms with those who are living with Maskun.
expired films
vom Nahen und FremdenDie Serie handelt von einer persönlichen Auseinandersetzung mit der Insel Kreta.
In dieser mir nicht ganz fremden Umgebung, bekannt aus Urlaubsalben meiner Eltern, dem Geschichtsuntericht, oder aus Erzählungen, versuchte ich Andock-Punkte zu meiner eigenen Geschichte zu finden, ein Wohlwollen dieser Insel gegenüber zu empfinden. Doch die begrenzte Zeit von 2 Wochen, die ich hier verbracht habe, warf mich zurück auf mich selbst. Lässt mich in dieser angeblich vertrauten Umgebung als Fremden darstehen.
Aus dieser Position des Scheiterns heraus findet man auf einmal neue, eigene Verknüpfungen. Man schafft sich eine Gegenwart.
Daraus entstehen "Inselbilder". Die sich später zu neuen Erinnerungen zusammenfügen und ein weiteres Album füllen.
ARCTIC CORING EXPEDITIONIn late Summer 2004, an international team of scientists and technicians set forth from Tromsö, Norway, aboard three icebreakers set for the North Pole.
Once there, they drilled sea-floor deposits near the Pole over a period of four weeks. The sediment samples provided insights into the climate and environmental history of the Arctic Basin over the past 55 million years and longer.
On board, was Hannes von der Fecht, a 25-year-old student of “Integrated Design“ at the Bremen University of Arts, specializing in photography. He joined the expedition document the research expedition from an artistic point of view.
The Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) was conducted under the flag of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), a 10-year research initiative established in 2003 as a cooperative international ocean research program. Supported by Japan, the United States, and a consortium of 16 European countries plus Canada (European Consortium for Ocean Resesarch Drilling – ECORD), IODP investigates the history of the Earth and how the Earth works.
ACEX was the first IODP mission undertaken by the ECORD Science Operator (ESO), which operates with close cooperation between the British Geological Survey and Bremen University, as well as other groups.
A core repository at Bremen University supports scientific sampling of IODP cores and facilitates their careful storage and preservation.
THE OUTSKIRTSDie innere Peripherie liegt zwischen der Innenstadt und der äußeren Peripherie. Meistens finden sich dort Büros, oder kleinere Betriebe wieder. Diese Orte werden tagsüber genutzt und verlieren nach Betriebschluss ihre Funktion und Identität. Bis auf, für die wenigen Menschen die in ihnen wohnen, verwandeln sich die Gegenden in Durchfahrtorte und hinterlassen nur noch Verweise auf das, was tagsüber in ihnen passiert. In der Serie „Inner Periphery - crossing the outskirts“ geht es um diese Verweise und um die Verwandlung einer solchen Gegend.
PARKIn Ostrava, mit etwa 350.000 Einwohnern die dritt größte Stadt Tschechiens , sprießen deutsche Baumärkte, englische und französische Shopping Malls nur so aus dem Boden. Die junge Bevölkerung will diesen westlichen Boom. Die Erlebnissparks sind für viele ein Wochenendziel. Für einen Moment versprechen diese Gegenden ein Gefühl des Wohlstands.
The Steenborg is a small coaster. It´s cruising along the baltic and the north seeshores, up and down and its transporting malt, palm and corn. But the ship didn’t act only as a cargo. Jens Boysen, the captain and holder of the ship is also an educationist. Every two month he takes three boys, between the age of 13 and 16 years, on his cruise. The teenagers are maladjusted and mostly they don`t know how to act rightly in the society. As a last activity, already disgusted by the Youth Welfare Office, on the Steenborg, they will get their last possibility to be resocialized by disziplin and work-therapy.